Before starting these quests, you must sign up with Emily.
Bellerophon Quest:
Read about a famous pilot. Write a blog post about it.
Pandora Quest:
Read a book no one else in this family has read before. You must find it in the library by yourself.
Theseus Quest:
Read a puzzle book, or a book about a game.
Orpheus Quest:
Read a biography about someone who has already died. This is a book quest (you may not find the information online). Afterwards, write a short blog post about the person you read about. If you do not finish this book within two weeks, you are lost in Hades (more about that and other penalties later!).
Perseus Quest:
Read a book with no pictures. Then write a sentence that can only be read in a mirror.
Jason Quest:
Read a book to someone else. Have them write about the experience.
Hercules Quest (Extra credit if you do them in order!):
1. Read about an African animal and write post about it. Extra credit if you watch the Lion King.
2. Read three books in a series.
3. Read a book with a pig in it.
4. Bring ALL your library books back to the library.
5. Read 20 pages in two hours!
6. Clean out your bookshelf. You need proof from Mom.
7. Read online about a famous woman. Write a post about her.
8. Read 15 pages straight without eating.
9. Read a book about a monster.
10. Read a red book.
11. Read a recipe in a cook book and make it. Extra credit if it uses apples.
12. You are immediately lost in Hades (more about that later!).