Saturday, June 8, 2013

I just wanted to show you this guy's art. His name is Todd Lockwood, and he did some of the first art for the published Dungeons and Dragons books. Now he does magic cards and stuff.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The U.S.S. A story of sheep shearers.

This was the U.S.S.'s big day. They would finally go to Earth. After weeks and months of training and training, The crew of M.S.S. Fleece was ready to go.
  Who were they? They were the Unidentified Sheep Shearers. A top secret Martian team of shearers who were ready to take on any un-sheared sheep!
  Captain Pluton was ready for takeoff. He fired the plasma rockets. BOOM! They were off!
What was their first mission? They were getting a transmission now! "All hands, this is are first voyage to Earth, it is time for you to hear our mission," said the speaker. "Our mission is to fly over a village in what the Earthlings call 'New Ham Sure' and shear sheep at one of their farms to test our equipment."
  Zoz was really exited! He had joined the Martian Navy because he wanted to help the dumb Earthlings to really easy things. Like shear their sheep in efficient ways!
Well, He had finally gotten his wish.
They Flew through Earth's atmosphere and neared the surface.
They flew over the barn and tractor beamed the sheep to their ship.
IT WAS ALREADY SHEARED! The U.S.S. returned home sad.

The End.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fellow Martians!!!

Hello fellow martians,

There is a new threat in the galaxy. This threat is: THE EVIL SPACE MONKEYS!!!

We must post more things on this blog or the space monkeys will take over Mars!
We must distract them so they won't stop reading this blog!

I know you will all do your part.


- General Sam of the 32nd Martian Space Troopers

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Alexander the great by smoog

when Alexander was young he wanted his fathers horse so He asked his father "if I tame Bucephalus will you give him to me?'You'll be killed"said his father but Alexander did. Later he went to the city of Gordium ware  he saw a chariot fastened by a complicated knot no one could untie.''What's that?'' he asked a citizen. "it is part of an ancient legend."whoever undoes the knot will rule all of Asia but it is impossible. Alexander smiled he raised his sword  in the air and cut the knot. Later he went to India but he had to cross the Indus river so he made a bridge with boats  and wooden planks.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sam has completed the first of Hercules' tasks. I hope no one is in Hades yet!

BTW, this is a baby hippo.

Monday, July 23, 2012

For slaying the Nemean Lion:The Hippopotamus

The Hippopotamus rivals the Rhinoceros as the second largest land animal and can grow to
16' long and 5' tall.
   Hippopotamus means River Horse in ancient Greek.
The Hippopotamus is a herbivore and eats grasses but is very dangerous with their huge tusks that can grow to be 5' long!

The Hippopotamus enjoys to lie around in the water all day and at night it leaves and goes off to eat.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sam has completed the Jason quest.

Smoog has completed the first of Hercules' tasks.

Good job! Hope to see some blog posts by Sam soon.

Here's some info about Hades:
If you don't read at all one day, you are instantly brought to Hades.
In Hades, you cannot complete quests (except for the final Hercules' quest).

To leave Hades, you must read Cerebus a bedtime story, but since Cerebus is immortal, he has heard every story ever written. You must write a new story for him. It must be at least three paragraphs.